Most viewed payments for Growing up

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Examples to help you balance your family assistance payments if you were single during the financial year

If you were single during the financial year, these examples can help you work out what to do so we can balance your payments.

  1. Working
  2. Most useful information

Earnings Worksheet form (SU505)

Use this form to work out your gross earnings for your entitlement period and report them to us.

  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. Who can get it

Age requirements for Assistance for Isolated Children

Your child must meet the age requirements.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Managing child support

Upload your Child Support documents online

Use your Child Support online account or the Express Plus Child Support mobile app to upload and submit documents.

  1. Retirement years
  2. Most useful information

International bank account form (AUS178)

Use this form to tell us your bank account details if you can get your Centrelink payment outside Australia.

  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. Who can get it

Parental means test for the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme

Under the scheme, only Additional Boarding Allowance is income tested.

  1. Employment income reporting
  2. When to report

Unscheduled reporting

If your employment income changes, you need to tell us within 14 days. We call this unscheduled reporting, as it can happen any time.

  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. Who can get it

Living and study requirements for Assistance for Isolated Children

Your child’s living and study arrangements will determine which allowance or supplement you get.

  1. Recently unemployed
  2. Most useful information

Seasonal, Contract and Intermittent Work Details form (SU496)

Use this form to tell us about any seasonal, contract or intermittent work you or your partner has done in the 6 months prior to claiming an income support payment.

Mutual obligation requirements in the Community Development Program

Information for job seekers about mutual obligation requirements in the Community Development Program.

Search results summary and pagination

468 results, showing 331 to 340
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118