Request to change payment collection method form (CS1979)
Use this form if you are the receiving parent and you already have a registered Child Support case with us and you want to change your collection method.
If you’re affected by an emergency
You may be able to access extra absences and a gap fee waiver.
If you need to attend an assessment
There are things you’ll need to do if you need to attend an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt).
Payment rates for Energy Supplement on a pension or an allowance
If you're on a pension or an allowance the Energy Supplement amount you get depends on your and your partner’s circumstances and the payment or services you get.
Express Plus Centrelink mobile app help - Set up app
Instructions on how to sign in and set up the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
Examples to help you balance your family assistance payments if you were single during the financial year
If you were single during the financial year, these examples can help you work out what to do so we can balance your payments.
Disability Support Pension if you're deaf or have severe hearing loss
How to get Disability Support Pension (DSP) if you’re deaf or have severe hearing loss.
What happens during and after the Employment Services Assessment
During your Employment Services Assessment (ESAt), the assessor will talk to you about factors that affect your ability to work or participate.
Who can get a Foster Child Health Care Card
To get a Foster Child Health Care Card you must be a foster carer or caring for someone else's child.
Getting a medical certificate for Parenting Payment
If you get Parenting Payment and can’t work or study for a short time you may need to give us a medical certificate.