Explanations and formal reviews
Find out what you can do if you want more information or disagree with a decision we've made.
Support for grandparent carers
Extra assistance is available if you’re a grandparent caring for your grandchildren.
Balancing Child Care Subsidy
What you need to do to balance your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments depends on your circumstances.
How to report your income to Centrelink
You can report your employment income in different ways.
Teenage years
Find out how payments and services for you or your child change as they get older.
The Temporary Financial Hardship additional child care subsidy
You need to meet certain criteria to be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy Temporary Financial Hardship.
What are primary school levels for child care fee assistance
We need to know when your child starts primary school and secondary school. We may ask this when you claim child care fee assistance.
Unreasonable to live at home statement by young person form (SY015)
Use this form if you're getting or have claimed Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY, and you're applying as an independent person under the unreasonable to live at home guidelines.
Report a change in circumstances for Child Care Subsidy
You need to tell us if your circumstances change when you're getting Child Care Subsidy.
Employment income
This is pay you get for work you've done for an employer.