How much Parenting Payment you can get
How much Parenting Payment you can get depends on your and your partner’s circumstances.
What adjusted taxable income is
We use your adjusted taxable income to work out your eligibility for some payments, concessions or services.
How much Family Tax Benefit you can get
How much Family Tax Benefit (FTB) you may get.
How to claim Child Care Subsidy
Complete the following steps to apply for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Before you start, check if you can get it.
Who can get Family Tax Benefit
You need to meet eligibility requirements to get Family Tax Benefit (FTB).
Paying tax on a Centrelink payment
You may have to pay income tax on your taxable Centrelink payments.
Who can get Parenting Payment
You must meet certain criteria to get Parenting Payment.
Family Tax Benefit Part B payment rates
The amount of Family Tax Benefit Part B we’ll pay you depends on the age of your youngest child and your income.
Your income can affect Child Care Subsidy
The Child Care Subsidy percentage you’re entitled to depends on your family’s income.
How much Rent Assistance you can get
The amount of Rent Assistance you can get depends on how much rent you pay.