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Limited program schools in South Australia for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance

Information about Limited program schools in South Australia for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance.

Limited program schools in Tasmania for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance

Information about Limited program schools in Tasmania for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance.

Limited program schools in Western Australia for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance

Information about Limited program schools in Western Australia for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance.

Limited program schools for ABSTUDY

Information about Limited program schools for ABSTUDY.

  1. Student Start-up Loan
  2. Who can get it

Study rules for a Student Start-up Loan

To get a Student Start-up Loan you need to meet the study rules.

  1. Austudy
  2. Who can get it

Getting a medical certificate for Austudy

You may be able to get an exemption from your Austudy requirements if you give us a medical certificate.

  1. Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices
  2. Who can get it

Getting a medical certificate for Youth Allowance for students and apprentices

You may be able to get an exemption from your Youth Allowance study or apprenticeship requirements with a medical certificate.

  1. Who can get it
  2. Getting a medical certificate

What happens when you give us a medical certificate for Austudy

We use your medical certificate to work out if you can get an exemption from your study requirements for a certain time. This is so you can keep getting Austudy.

  1. Who can get it
  2. Getting a medical certificate

What happens when you give us a medical certificate for Youth Allowance for students and apprentices

We use your medical certificate to work out if you need an exemption from your full time study or apprenticeship requirements for a certain time. This is so you can keep getting Youth Allowance as a student or an Australian Apprentice.

Directors fees

Directors fees count towards your income test. They can affect your Centrelink payment.

Search results summary and pagination

345 results, showing 311 to 320
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60179