Most useful information for Growing up

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Rent Assistance
  2. Who can get it

Special rules to get Rent Assistance when you get Youth Allowance

To get Rent Assistance with Youth Allowance, you must meet some special rules.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Explanations and formal reviews

Find out what you can do if you want more information or disagree with a decision we've made.

  1. Centrelink online account
  2. What details you can view and update online

Update your family and child care details using your Centrelink online account

You can update your family and child care details through your online account.

  1. Asset types
  2. Gifting

What gifts we include in income and assets tests

We may include your gift if you give away, sell or transfer it for less than its market value.

  1. Assets test
  2. Asset types

Financial investments

The value of your financial investments counts in the assets test and income test for payments from us.

  1. Income and assets tests
  2. Income

Income specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

If you or your partner earn an income or someone gives you money from any source, you need to let us know.

  1. Assets test
  2. Asset types

Private trusts and companies

If you’re part of a private trust or company, we need to know your share of the income and assets.

  1. Parenting Payment
  2. How to manage your payment

Payment and Service Finder

An online tool to see what payments and services you may be eligible for.

  1. Income and assets tests
  2. Income

Real estate income

This is lease or rent money you get from a property you own. It counts in your income test.

Mutual obligation requirements

Mutual obligation requirements are tasks and activities you agree to do while you get some payments from us. Penalties may apply if you don’t meet them.

Search results summary and pagination

445 results, showing 211 to 220
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60119