Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. What payment you can get and how much

Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme payment types

Your child’s living arrangements determine which allowance or supplement you get.

  1. Low Income Health Care Card
  2. Who can get a card

Residence rules for a Low Income Health Care Card

To be eligible for a Low Income Health Care Card you must meet the residence rules.

  1. Low Income Health Care Card
  2. Who can get a card

Benefits of a Low Income Health Care Card

You and your dependent child can get benefits if you have a Low Income Health Care Card.

  1. Low Income Health Care Card
  2. How to manage your card

Renewing a Low Income Health Care Card

You need to renew your Low Income Health Care Card.

  1. Low Income Health Care Card
  2. How to manage your card

Change of circumstances when you hold a Low Income Health Care Card

You need to tell us if your circumstances change. This is to make sure you’re still eligible for a Low Income Health Care Card.

  1. Low Income Health Care Card
  2. How to manage your card

Lost or stolen Low Income Health Care Card

We can replace a lost or stolen card.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to keep your payment

Breaks from caring when you get Carer Payment

You can still get Carer Payment if you take a break from providing care.

  1. Health Care Card
  2. Who can get a card

What the benefits are of a Health Care Card

A Health Care Card entitles you to cheaper prescription medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

  1. Health Care Card
  2. How to manage your card

Change of circumstances if you hold a Health Care Card

You need to tell us about any changes to your circumstances when you hold a Health Care Card.

Access your Income Management and BasicsCard account

You can access the money in your Income Management account many ways.

Search results summary and pagination

1965 results, showing 391 to 400
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800