Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

Changes if you get family payments

There are some changes that may affect you if you get family payments.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. myGov online help guides

myGov help - Link Centrelink to myGov using a linking code

Instructions on how to link Centrelink to your myGov account if you have a linking code.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Request a document

Instructions on how to view, print and save your documents using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Update address, accommodation and contact details

Instructions on how to update your address, accommodation and contact details using your Centrelink online account.

Employment Services Assessments

If you need help finding a job, we'll assess the impact of your barriers to work including disability, illness or injury.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Upload documents

Instructions on how to upload and submit documents using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Travelling outside of Australia

Instructions on how to tell us about your overseas travel using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Manage your income and assets details

Instructions to update your income and assets details using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Manage where your payments are sent

Instructions on how to change where we pay you using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Apply for an advance payment

Instructions to apply for an advance payment using your Centrelink online account.

Search results summary and pagination

1965 results, showing 291 to 300
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800