Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

  1. Caring for elderly
  2. Most useful information

Aged Care Claim for financial hardship assistance form (SA462)

Use this form to claim financial hardship assistance for your aged care costs.

  1. Living with disability
  2. Most useful information

Consent to disclose medical information form (SA472)

Use this form to confirm that you consent to your treating health providers disclosing relevant information about your disability or medical conditions to us.

  1. Living with disability
  2. Most useful information

Disability Support Pension Medical Evidence Checklist form (SA473)

Use this checklist to help ensure you have the right medical evidence to support your claim for Disability Support Pension.

Foreign income for family assistance

Foreign income can affect how much Family Tax Benefit and Child Care Subsidy you get.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Most useful information

Compensation Application form (SS509)

Use this form to claim compensation for financial loss or personal injury suffered as a result of our negligence or defective administration.

  1. Farm Household Allowance
  2. How to manage your payment

Farm Household Allowance business income reconciliation

The income reconciliation process ended on 30 June 2024.

  1. Family Tax Benefit
  2. How to manage your payment

Support for grandparent carers

Extra assistance is available if you’re a grandparent caring for your grandchildren.

  1. How to manage your payment
  2. Reviews

Medical reviews for Disability Support Pension

If you’re getting Disability Support Pension (DSP), we may do a review to check you still meet medical rules.

Paid Parental Leave counted as income

We treat Paid Parental Leave (PPL) as taxable income. This means Parental Leave Pay counts in your income test for payments from us.

Online review of study details

We may send a letter to your myGov inbox asking you to do an online review of your study details.

Search results summary and pagination

1965 results, showing 271 to 280
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800