Prepare to transfer to Age Pension if you get Parenting Payment
If you get Parenting Payment and you’re Age Pension age, you can apply to transfer to Age Pension.
Prepare to transfer to Age Pension if you get Austudy
If you get Austudy and you’re Age Pension age, you can apply to transfer to Age Pension.
Prepare to transfer to Age Pension if you get Disability Support Pension
If you get Disability Support Pension and you're Age Pension age, you can apply to transfer to Age Pension.
Approved special courses for ABSTUDY away from home rate
You may get a higher rate of ABSTUDY if you live away from home to study an approved special course. We review and approve special courses each year.
Higher rates of ABSTUDY Living Allowance when living away from home
You may get a higher rate of ABSTUDY if you need to live away from home to study or do your Australian Apprenticeship.
Income and assets tests for ABSTUDY
We check income and assets to see if you can get some ABSTUDY payments and how much you might get.
Travel outside Australia rules for Pension Supplement
The travel rules of your main payment affect if you get Pension Supplement when you travel outside Australia.
Travel outside Australia rules for Remote Area Allowance
The travel rules for your main payment affect your Remote Area Allowance when you travel outside Australia.
Travel outside Australia rules for Rent Assistance
The travel rules for your main payment affect your Rent Assistance when you travel outside Australia.
Travel outside Australia rules for Special Benefit
There are rules about when you can get your Special Benefit when you travel outside Australia.