Newly arrived resident's waiting period
If you’ve recently arrived as a resident in Australia, you may have to wait to get payments or concession cards.
Real estate assets
Information about how real estate assets affect your payment under the assets test.
Annual parental income reassessment
If you’re dependent and get Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY, we may need your parents’ or guardians’ income details each year.
Income test for the Low Income Health Care Card
To get a Low Income Health Care Card your income must be under the limit.
Northern Territory youth and long term payment recipients income management
You may be on Income Management if you live in the Northern Territory and get a specific payment.
Travel restrictions for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance
Restrictions apply to some types of ABSTUDY Fares Allowance travel.
Adult Migrant English Program
Access to free English language tuition to help you find work and settle in to life in Australia.
Proving your child’s birth or adoption
You need to give us proof of your child’s birth or adoption before we can finalise your claim for Parental Leave Pay or Family Tax Benefit.
Youth Allowance income and assets tests
We use income and assets tests to check if you can get Youth Allowance and how much you might get.
Parental means test for the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
Under the scheme, only Additional Boarding Allowance is income tested.