ABSTUDY Living Allowance residential costs option
An option for students to help pay residential costs while living away from home to study.
Manage the money you get from your payment
We’ve got tips and tools to help you with budgeting, borrowing and credit, and managing debt.
Most types of income count in your income test. We use this and your assets test to assess if you can get a payment, and to calculate your rate of payment.
Residence descriptions
You usually need to be an Australian resident or hold a specific visa type to get a Centrelink payment or concession card.
Time limits for submitting lump sum claims and confirming income for Family Tax Benefit
You have one year from the end of the financial year to confirm your family income for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or claim FTB as a lump sum.
Personal income test for Youth Allowance for job seekers
We use income tests to see if you’re eligible for a payment and work out how much you’ll get.
Income and assets test for Carer Payment
Your rate of Carer Payment depends on what you get paid and own. The person you provide care for also has to have income and assets under certain limits.
Family Tax Benefit Part A payment rates
The amount of Family Tax Benefit Part A we’ll pay you depends on your situation.
Asset types
Assets are property or items you or your partner own in full or part, or have an interest in. They can affect your payment.
New Zealand citizens claiming payments in Australia
If you’re a New Zealand citizen living in Australia you may be eligible to get Centrelink payments or concession cards.