Change of circumstances while receiving Disability Support Pension
You need to tell us if your circumstances change when you're getting Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Change of circumstances while receiving Double Orphan Pension
You need to report any changes to your circumstances while receiving Double Orphan Pension.
Change of circumstances while getting Parenting Payment
We need to know about changes to your or your partner’s situation. If you don’t tell us when these changes happen, you may get a debt you’ll have to pay back.
Change of circumstances while getting Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices
You must tell us if things change when you’re getting Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices as it may affect your payment.
Dependent or independent for Youth Allowance as a job seeker
If you apply for Youth Allowance as a job seeker, we’ll assess you as being either dependent or independent.
Job Capacity Assessment for Disability Support Pension
You may need to attend an assessment when you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP). If you already get DSP, you may need to do this as part of a medical review.
Farm Financial Assessment
This is an assessment of your farm’s financial position. It's one of your mutual obligation requirements to get Farm Household Allowance.
Support services for separated families
We provide separated parents support and information to help with their family situation.
Disability Medical Assessment for Disability Support Pension
You may need to attend a Disability Medical Assessment with Sonic HealthPlus when you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP). If you already get DSP, you may need to do this as part of a medical review.
Your family income estimate for family assistance payments
We use your family income estimate to work out how much family assistance to pay you. This includes Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS).