Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

Working Credit

Lets you keep more of your income support payment and benefits if you're working.

Approved courses and education providers

You must study an approved course at an approved education provider to get Youth Allowance, Austudy, or Pensioner Education Supplement.

Mutual obligation requirements

Mutual obligation requirements are tasks and activities you agree to do while you get some payments from us. Penalties may apply if you don’t meet them.

  1. How we assess your claim
  2. Assessing your ability to work

Program of Support for Disability Support Pension

You may need to participate in a Program of Support before you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP).

  1. How to manage your payment
  2. Travel outside Australia

Payment schedule and rates for people outside Australia

We’ll pay your pension differently if you live outside Australia on a permanent or long term basis.

Replace a lost or stolen Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card

If your Pensioner Concession Card is lost, stolen or ruined, we can post you a new card if you need one.

Digital card

Have your concession or health care card with you everywhere you take your smart mobile device.

Avoid committing fraud

Do the right thing and avoid committing fraud by keeping your details with us up to date.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to keep your payment

Change of circumstances while getting Carer Payment

We need to know about changes as they could increase, reduce or stop your Carer Payment.

  1. Family Tax Benefit
  2. What can affect your payment

Change of circumstances while getting Family Tax Benefit

You need to tell us when your circumstances change when you get Family Tax Benefit.

Search results summary and pagination

1965 results, showing 191 to 200
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800