Income test for Family Tax Benefit Part A
The amount of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A you get depends on your family’s income.
Family Tax Benefit Part B payment rates
The amount of Family Tax Benefit Part B we’ll pay you depends on the age of your youngest child and your income.
Balancing your family assistance payments
After the end of the financial year we balance your payments to make sure we pay you the right amount.
Voluntary Income Management and BasicsCard
You may have volunteered for Income Management because you needed help managing your payments.
Income test for JobSeeker Payment
Your or your partner’s income can reduce how much we pay you.
Income and assets tests for Parenting Payment
You must meet the income and assets tests to get Parenting Payment. The amount you get depends on your income and assets.
What adjusted taxable income is
We use your adjusted taxable income to work out your eligibility for some payments, concessions or services.
Create your voiceprint
You can create your voice print over the phone. A voiceprint is a quick and secure way to prove your identity when you call us.
Paying tax on a Centrelink payment
You may have to pay income tax on your taxable Centrelink payments.
Deeming rules are used to work out income from your financial assets. We add this to your other income and apply the income test to work out your payment rate.