Income maintenance period
This waiting period may apply if you or your partner have stopped work and got leave or redundancy payments.
Change of circumstances that could affect your Austudy
You must tell us if things change as it might affect your Austudy payment.
How to prove your identity with Centrelink
You need to prove your identity before you claim a payment or service.
Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers
These are tasks and activities you agree to do to keep getting your payment. They give you a better chance of finding work.
Income test for Family Tax Benefit Part B
Family Tax Benefit Part B is for single parents or carers and some couples who meet a 2 part income test.
Healthy Start for School health check
If your child is turning 4, they may need to have a health check. If they don’t, your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A rate may reduce.
Transitional rate of pension
The transitional rate started in 2009. It's for pensioners who would get a lower pension rate if we used the new income test.
Meeting participation requirements if you’re under 35
You may have participation requirements if you get Disability Support Pension (DSP). This is to help you find and keep suitable work.
Overdrawn bank account
You can get help to access your money if you have an overdrawn bank account.
Distance and online education
If you study by distance education, you need to do an approved course with an approved education provider.