Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

Changing your child’s care arrangements

If the amount of time you care or share the care for a child changes, this may affect your payments and services.

Funeral bonds and prepaid funerals

Funeral costs you pay for in advance normally don’t count in your assets test for payments from us. There are some exceptions.

  1. Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices
  2. Who can get it

Allowable time for study while getting Youth Allowance

There’s an allowable time limit on how long you’ll get Youth Allowance. We base it on the minimum time it normally takes to complete your course as a full time student.

Liquid assets waiting period

The liquid assets waiting period is between 1 and 13 weeks.

  1. Rent Deduction Scheme
  2. How to manage your deduction

Payment and Service Finder

An online tool to see what payments and services you may be eligible for.

Seasonal work preclusion period

This applies if you or your partner finished seasonal, contract or intermittent work within 6 months of submitting your claim.

  1. Income and assets tests
  2. Income maintenance period

Severe financial hardship provisions

We may reduce or waive your waiting period for a payment if you meet the severe financial hardship provisions.

Ordinary waiting period

You may have to wait for a week before your payment starts. We will let you know when you claim if this applies to you.

  1. Disability Support Pension
  2. How we assess your claim

Medical evidence for Disability Support Pension

You need to give us medical evidence if you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP), or have a medical review.

Income Stream Reviews

Each financial year we review certain types of income streams. We do this to ensure we assess your payments and concession cards correctly.

Search results summary and pagination

1958 results, showing 151 to 160
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800