Most useful information

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Find us

Find one of our service centres, agents or access points. We can help with payment and service information for Medicare, Centrelink and Child Support.

Information in your language

Read, listen to or watch information in your language about our payments and services. Use our free interpreter and translation service to do business with us.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Using research and surveys to improve our services

We get feedback from our customers about our processes and services. This can be done through a research company and customer surveys. Your views count and can help improve our services.

  1. Contact us
  2. Complaints and feedback

Submit a complaint or provide feedback online

You can submit a complaint or provide feedback about our services through your online account or directly to us.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Complaints and feedback

We value your feedback. You can submit a complaint, give a compliment or offer a suggestion to help us improve our service.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Claiming compensation from us

If you believe we’ve made a mistake that caused you financial loss or injury, you may be able to claim compensation from us.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Reporting fraud

If you suspect someone may be committing fraud against Medicare, Centrelink or Child Support, you should report it.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Contact us

Phone us

Call us for information about payments and services for Medicare, Centrelink or Child Support.

  1. Contact us
  2. Customer service changes

Public holiday reporting and payment dates

Your reporting and payment dates may change when we close for national public holidays. We may pay you early.

  1. Accessing our services
  2. Forms

International forms for individuals

Forms you need to claim a Centrelink payment or apply for a child support assessment if you live outside Australia.

Search results summary and pagination

1958 results, showing 121 to 130
Page last updated: 12 December 2024.
QC 60800