The Midwife Professional Indemnity Scheme (MPIS) includes a government contribution to help with claims made against privately practicing midwives. It covers 3 schemes:
- Level 1 Commonwealth Contribution (L1 Claims Scheme).
- Level 2 Commonwealth Contribution (L2 Claims Scheme).
- Run-Off Cover Commonwealth Contribution (Midwife ROC Scheme).
Applications for claims under the MPIS can only be made by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (MIGA).
The claim must meet the eligibility requirements. To get a payment under the MPIS you need to apply. How you apply depends on the scheme level you want to apply for.
Under the Midwife Professional Indemnity Scheme Level 1, the government reimburses 80% of eligible claims costs incurred by insurers. The claim must exceed the $100,000 threshold, up to $2 million.
Applications can only be made against an eligible midwife and must meet the criteria for a claim.
A claim may be eligible under the scheme Level 1 if it:
- relates to an incident that occurs in the course of, or in connection to the practice of an eligible privately practicing midwife
- has been certified as a qualifying claim
- relates to an incident that occurred on or after 1 July 2010.
To apply for payment:
- Use the MPIS claim service in Health Professionals Online Services (HPOS) to submit an application under the L1 Claims Scheme. You can access HPOS with an individual Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account or organisation account in PRODA. If you don’t have one, register for PRODA online.
- To register to use MPIS service, email the Medical Indemnity team.
- Once you’re registered, we’ll give you a MPIS User Guide. The guide will explain how you submit the application.
- Before you submit the application, check you have an eligible claim.
- We’ll tell you the outcome of the application via the Medical Indemnity Insurer’s (MII’s) HPOS mailbox.
You need to let us know if any details of the incident or claim change after you submit your application. You can email the Medical Indemnity team.
Under Midwife Professional Indemnity Scheme Level 2 Scheme, the government reimburses 100% of eligible claim cost incurred. This is for claims above the $2 million threshold.
Applications can only be made against an eligible midwife that meet the criteria for a claim.
A claim may be eligible under the scheme Level 2 if it:
- relates to an incident that occurs in the course of, or in connection with, the practice of an eligible midwife
- has been certified as a qualifying claim
- relates to an incident that occurred on or after 1 July 2010
- exceeds the eligible midwife’s insurance contract.
Apply for payment:
- Use the MPIS claim service in HPOS to submit an application under the L2 Claims Scheme. You can access HPOS with an individual PRODA account or organisation account in PRODA. If you don’t have one, register for PRODA online.
- To register to use MPIS service, email the Medical Indemnity team.
- Once you’re registered, we’ll give you a MPIS User Guide. The guide will explain how you submit the application.
- Before you submit the application, check you have an eligible claim.
- We’ll tell you the outcome of the application via the MII’s HPOS mailbox.
You need to let us know if any details of the incident or claim change after you submit your application. You can email the Medical Indemnity team.
The Midwife ROC Scheme provides secure ongoing insurance for eligible midwives who have ceased private practice.
The Midwife ROC Scheme reimburses insurers 100% of an eligible claim.
A claim may be eligible under the Midwife ROC Scheme if the:
- incident occurred on or after 1 July 2010
- midwife met 1 or more of the eligibility classes on the date the insurer was notified of the claim
- incident occurred in the course of, or in connection with, their practice as an eligible midwife.
Applications can only be made against an eligible midwife and must meet the criteria for a claim. They are midwives who have:
- permanently retired from private medical practice as an eligible midwife
- not engaged in private practice as an eligible midwife during the previous 3 years
- temporarily or permanently stopped practicing as an eligible midwife due to maternity
- permanently stopped practicing as an eligible midwife due to disability
- passed away but had been an eligible midwife.
The midwife must have submitted the relevant supporting evidence to MIGA.
Claims against a midwife who’s retired from private practice as an eligible midwife, require a completed Statutory declaration ROCS - Midwife who has ceased practice form (MO039).
No medical certificate is required to support this eligibility class.
Claims against a midwife who’s not engaged in private practice as an eligible midwife during the previous 3 years, require a completed Statutory declaration ROCS - Midwife engaged in a private practice form (MO044).
No medical certificate is required to support this eligibility class.
Claims against a midwife who has temporarily or permanently stopped practicing as an eligible midwife due to maternity, require the following evidence:
- Statutory Declaration Run-Off Cover Indemnity Scheme – Midwife who has ceased practice form (MO041)
- ROCS - Midwife medical certificate for maternity form (MO043).
Claims against a midwife who has permanently stopped practicing as an eligible midwife due to disability, require the following evidence:
- Statutory Declaration Run-Off Cover Indemnity Scheme – Midwife who has ceased practice because of permanent disability form (MO038)
- ROCS - Midwife medical certificate permanent disability form (MO060).
Claims against a midwife who is deceased require a death certificate.
If you don’t have a copy, you can submit a Statutory Declaration Run-off Cover Indemnity Scheme – Deceased midwife form (MO040). This must be completed by the midwife’s legal personal representative.
If you have an eligible claim, read about how to apply for payment under the Midwife ROC Scheme.
To apply for payment:
- Use the MPIS claim service in HPOS to submit an application under the L2 Claims Scheme. You can access HPOS with an individual PRODA account or organisation account in PRODA. If you don’t have one, register for PRODA online.
- To register to use MPIS service, email the Medical Indemnity team.
- Once you’re registered, we’ll give you a MPIS User Guide. The guide will explain how you submit the application.
- Before you submit the application, check you have an eligible claim.
- We’ll tell you the outcome of the application via the MII’s HPOS mailbox.
You need to let us know if any details of the incident or claim change after you submit your application. You can email the Medical Indemnity team.