Most viewed payments for Medicare

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Medicare
  2. Top payments

Medicare card

You get a Medicare card when you’re enrolled in Medicare. Learn how to get, use and replace your card.

  1. Self service
  2. Medicare self service

Express Plus Medicare mobile app

Use our app to manage your Medicare at any time.

  1. Medicare
  2. Top payments

Medicare Safety Nets

Medicare Safety Nets can help to lower your out of pocket medical costs for out of hospital services.

  1. Self service
  2. Medicare self service

Medicare online account

It’s easy to claim, update your details, and access your statements with an online account.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Health Care Card

A concession card to get cheaper medicines and some discounts if you get a payment from us.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Low Income Health Care Card

A concession card to get cheaper health care and some discounts if you’re on a low income.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Pensioner Concession Card

A concession card to get cheaper health care, medicines and some discounts if you get certain payments from us.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Covers part or the full cost of some basic dental services for children if you get certain payments from us.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Australian Immunisation Register

The national register where your vaccinations are recorded.

  1. Going overseas
  2. Top payments

Reciprocal Health Care Agreements

Agreements with 11 countries that covers the cost of medically necessary care when Australians visit certain countries and visitors from these countries visit Australia.

Search results summary and pagination

24 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60184