Getting help with child care fees for before and after school care
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) can help with the cost of child care, before and after school care and holiday care.
Check if your child is exempt from Family Tax Benefit (FTB) study requirements
To get FTB payments for your child after they turn 16, they need to be in full time study or have an approved exemption to study.
Student Start-up Loan (SSL) applications are open now
You can take out a SSL up to twice a year if you’re getting an eligible student payment.
Where to get help if you or someone you know is experiencing abuse
If you need help with information and resources to deal with family and domestic violence, there are lots of options available.
Keeping your SmartCard safe
Your SmartCard is like having money in your wallet. Treat it like cash and keep it safe.
Keep more of your student payment with Income Bank
Income bank helps you keep more of your Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY payments.
Free 2-part live Age Pension, Your Choices webinars
Join our Financial Information Service (FIS) webinar series to learn about retirement choices, income and asset basics, gifting, deeming and concession cards.
Your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) will change if your child finishes school early
If your child stops studying before finishing year 12, you need to update their study details to stop FTB being paid for them.
Claim up to $5,000 from the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) now
TAP helps you with the cost of moving from a regional or remote area. If you’re eligible, we’ll pay you after you confirm your study details.
Protect your personal information and stay safe when separating
If you’re ready to leave a relationship, there are things you can do to protect your privacy and separate safely. There’s also help available if you need it.