How to manage your payment

You have options and obligations for Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023.

There are some things you need to do to manage your Parental Leave Pay.

You need to tell us if your circumstances change.

You’ll need to repay us if you get a Parental Leave Pay overpayment. We’ll contact you if you’ve been overpaid.

If you want to, you can change your nominated days for Parental Leave Pay.

Make sure your details are correct with both Services Australia and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). This is to match the information you provide within your Parental Leave Pay claim with the information held by the ATO.

If your child’s date of birth or adoption is from 1 July 2025, the ATO will pay the Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC) on this payment. If your details are incorrect this may lead to a delay in receiving your PPLSC.

Read about updating your name with Centrelink and how to update your name on the ATO website.

We have a range of other services, tools and information to help you manage your payment or get extra support.

This includes:

Page last updated: 26 March 2025.
QC 64505