You can claim the card when you make a claim for Family Tax Benefit.
If you’re not eligible for Family Tax Benefit, you can claim the card separately.
Steps to claim Foster Child Health Care Card
1. Get ready to claim
The easiest way to claim is online. If you have a correspondence nominee they can also claim for you online.
To claim online, you need a Centrelink online account linked to myGov. If you have a nominee they also need to have their own account.
If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to set them up.
You’ll need to get some supporting documents ready to help answer some of the questions in the claim.
You may need to prove your identity and your foster child’s identity with us before you start your claim.
2. Make your claim
If you can claim online
If your Centrelink account is linked to myGov you can claim online.
To do this:
- Sign in to myGov.
- Select Make a claim or view claim status, then Make a claim.
- Under Concession Cards select Get started then follow the prompts to complete your claim.
If you can’t claim online
If you can’t claim online you can do one of the following:
- print and complete the Claim for a Health Care Card form
- call us on the Families line
- go to a service centre.
3. Track your claim
After you submit your claim online, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
- your claim was submitted
- the ID number of your claim
- the date we estimate your claim will be complete
- a link to track its progress.
To track the progress of your application online, sign in to myGov and select Make a claim or view claim status.
You can also use the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
We’ll let you know the result of your application. We’ll send a message to your myGov Inbox.
If you don’t get electronic letters, we’ll send you a letter in the mail.
If we need more details we’ll ask you for them.
If you think we’ve made a mistake you can ask us to review our decision.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Centrelink families line
Use this line if you need help with family payments, such as Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Subsidy or Parental Leave Pay.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.