How to claim

Complete the following steps to claim disaster health care assistance.

on this page


Complete the registration form for the event that has affected you.

Then submit it with any documents we ask for in the form.

If you need help to register call the Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme line.

Steps to claim


    1. Start your claim

    When we’ve approved your registration, you can start to claim.

    Complete the Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme claim form.


    2. Supporting documents

    You need to give us documents to support your claim. This includes:

    • itemised receipts or tax invoices for the items you’re claiming
    • statements or letters to show you’ve already claimed from Medicare, your private health fund, travel insurance or other state or territory government programs.

    You'll also need evidence from a health professional that you need the treatment because of the event. If applicable, your general practitioner or other medical specialist can provide a report to cover treatments for a period of up to 12 months.

    It needs to tell us both:

    • the injuries you directly got from the event
    • what therapies or treatments you need to help with your recovery over the next 12 months.

    3. Submit your claim

    You can submit your claim by email, post or at a service centre.


    Scan and email your completed form and supporting documents to This is the quickest way for us to get your claim.

    By post

    Send your completed form and supporting documents to:

    Services Australia 
    Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme 
    Reply Paid 9822 
    PERTH WA 6848

    At a service centre

    Submit your completed form and supporting documents at a service centre.


    4. Wait for the results

    We’ll send you a payment statement if your claim is successful.

    If we don’t approve your claim or we need more information, we’ll send you a letter explaining why.

    You have the right to appeal any decision we make. Read about reviews and appeals.

Contact numbers available on this page.

Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme Enquiry Line

Use this line if you've been a victim of terrorism or a natural disaster and need help with out of pocket health costs.

Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5 pm AWST

There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 27 November 2024.
QC 51615