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Payment per length of course
The maximum amount of the allowance you can get depends on the length of the course during the calendar year you are seeking assistance.
Length of the course | Maximum payment |
Under 12 weeks | $108.00 per course |
12 to 16 weeks | $189.40 per course |
17 to 23 weeks | $376.60 per course |
24 to 52 weeks | $765.40 per course |
Multiple payments
We pay each course once per calendar year, so for example if you’re doing:
- 2 courses, you’ll get 2 payments
- an apprenticeship and an approved course at the same time, you’ll get 2 payments
- a 52 week course that commences in November, you will receive one payment at commencement of your course for $108.00 and another at the beginning of the new year of $765.40.
You don’t need to pay tax on Incidentals allowance.
Extra help
If you’re a tertiary, masters or doctorate student you may also get Additional Incidentals Allowance.