You build up your Income Bank credits when you earn less than $528 a fortnight.
Your balance reduces when you earn more than $528 a fortnight.
Building up your balance
If you earn less than $528 a fortnight, we’ll add the difference between $528 and your income to your Income Bank.
For example, if you earn $350 in a fortnight, you’ll get 178 credits in your Income Bank.
That is, 528 – 350 = 178.
Reducing your balance
If you earn $528 or more in a fortnight and have a positive Income Bank balance, we’ll reduce your Income Bank credits before we reduce your payment.
We’ll reduce your payment if your Income Bank balance is zero and you earn more than $528 a fortnight.
For example, if you have 74 credits in your Income Bank you can earn $602 for one fortnight before we reduce your payment.
Reporting your income
You need to keep us updated if your circumstances change, including any money you or your partner earn from paid work.
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov you can sign in now to tell us about changes to your circumstances.
You can also tell us using either:
Read more about income reporting.
Your partner’s income
Income Bank is only available for your income and not your partner’s income.
Under the partner income test for Austudy and Youth Allowance, or ABSTUDY, your partner’s income can still affect your payment rate. If your partner earns over a certain amount, even if you have a positive Income Bank balance, your payment will reduce.