Financial services

When you're thinking about retirement, we have financial services and payment options that may help you.

We can help you manage your money before you start your retirement. You may want to think about what income and assets you have and how they may change before you retire. Your income and assets can impact the payments you get.

Our payments and services

Age Pension

The main income support payment for people that have reached Age Pension age is Age Pension.

Work Bonus

If you choose to work during your retirement, you may be able to access the Work Bonus. It helps you earn more income from working without reducing the amount of Age Pension you get.


If you don’t own your home, Rent Assistance and the Rent Deduction Scheme can help you meet your rent payments.

Loans and concession cards

When you start your retirement, you may be able to get more help and concessions. If you’re Age Pension age, these include the Pensioner Concession Card and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. Read more about the loans and concession cards you can apply for through us and your state government.


Centrepay is a free voluntary bill paying service. Deductions come from your Centrelink payments. You can use Centrepay to pay many types of bills, such as bills for child care, electricity or rent.

Weekly payment option

The weekly payment option allows you to get your income support payment weekly. This can help you if you find you it hard to budget for a fortnightly payment.

Social workers

Our social workers can help you with counselling, support and information during difficult times.

Other available support

We also have other financial help and support available that might help you.

Financial Information Service

Our Financial Information Service (FIS) provides free and confidential education and information. Our FIS officers can give you information about financial matters. FIS officers don’t give financial advice, counselling, advocacy or promote particular products or providers.

To get financial advice, you may want to talk to a financial adviser. Watch the video below to see what you need to know when choosing a financial adviser.

Financial counsellors

If you need some extra help with your finances, you can find a financial counsellor in your area on the National Debt Helpline website. They offer free financial counselling. They can suggest ways to:

  • improve your financial situation
  • negotiate repayment options
  • get help from other services such as a gambling helpline, personal counselling or community legal aid.

They can also provide advice about:

  • repaying debts
  • debt collectors or debt recovery through the courts
  • house eviction or disconnection of electricity or phone
  • uninsured car accidents
  • tax debts
  • unpaid fines.

Fair and affordable banking and loans

Check if you qualify for a no interest loan from Good Shepherd. These loans provide safe, fair and affordable credit for essential goods and services. You can pay this loan back through Centrepay.

Other help available

You can nominate an Enduring Power of Attorney to manage your assets and financial affairs. You may want to do so if you can’t do it yourself due to illness or an accident, or if you’re a victim of abuse.

Read about memory loss, dementia and your money and how to put in place an enduring power of attorney on the Moneysmart website.

Page last updated: 19 March 2024.
QC 60046