Common error messages when linking Medicare to myGov

Information about why you may not be able to link Medicare to your myGov account and how to correct the error.

To link Medicare to your myGov account, we need to be able to both:

  • identify you
  • identify the right Medicare record to link.

This is for your privacy and for the security of everyone who has a Medicare record.

Most people can give us enough information online for us to identify them and their Medicare record. But some people can’t do this online and need to call or visit us.

Find out what to do if you get an error message while linking Medicare.

When you can’t link because we can’t identify your Medicare record

We need to make sure that we connect the right Medicare record to your myGov account.

We’ll ask you questions about your Medicare record, including things like your doctor’s name or your bank details. If you can’t answer enough questions, we can’t identify what Medicare record is yours so the system won’t allow you to link online.

When you can’t provide enough details for us to identify your Medicare record, you’ll get the following message, ‘You need to answer some more questions correctly to make sure we link the right record. To keep your information private, all your answers have been deleted. To continue, please answer some more questions’.

How you can correct the error

First, check that you’ve entered your details correctly. You may need to enter more details and try again.

Answer as many questions as you can. You don’t need to answer every question if you don’t know all the answers.

If you can’t answer enough questions, we can’t be sure that it’s your Medicare record. If this happens, you’ll need to call us and answer some different questions.

Once we’ve confirmed your record, we’ll give you a linking code. You need to use it to link Medicare to your myGov account.

If you’re asked for your agency reference number when linking, this is your Medicare card number. You must also include your Individual Reference Number. This is the number that appears next to your name on your card. Enter all 11 digits without spaces.

Find out how to link Medicare to myGov using a linking code.

When we can’t link because your details don’t match

The details recorded with myGov need to match your name and date of birth held by Medicare.

If your details recorded with myGov don’t match the name or date of birth on your Medicare record, you’ll get the RFM128 error with the following message, ‘The details held by Medicare don’t match the details we have for you’.

How you can correct the error

First, check if your myGov details match your Medicare details. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to myGov and select Profile.
  2. Under the Personal details heading, you will see Your name and date of birth. Check if they’re correct.

If your myGov details are correct but don’t match your Medicare details

You’ll need to update your name and date of birth details with Medicare. For your security, you need to call the Medicare program line to do this.

When you call, have proof of your name or date of birth ready to give us. For example, a passport or change of name certificate.

Some changes may take overnight to update in the system.

If your myGov details are incorrect and don’t match your Medicare details

You’ll need to call either Online Services Support Hotline for help with your Centrelink online account or the ATO, if you have them linked. You’ll need to ask them to update your details before you can link other services to myGov.

When you call, have proof of your name or date of birth ready. For example, a passport or change of name certificate.

When you update your details, the service will share them with myGov. Your myGov details will be updated.

Some changes may take overnight to update in the system.

If your myGov details are incorrect and you have connected Digital ID

You’ll need to call myGov and select option 1.

When you can’t link because you’ve forgotten your myGov username or password

If you’ve forgotten your myGov username or password, you can either:

Contact numbers available on this page.

Medicare program

Use this line if you need help with a claim, enrolments, ordering a new card or have a Medicare general enquiry. Let us know if you need an interpreter and we’ll arrange one for free.

  • Monday to Friday 7 am to 10 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 7 am to 7 pm

Online services support hotline - Medicare

Use this line if you need help with your Medicare online account or Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

  • Monday to Friday 7 am to 10 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

If you’re outside Australia, call +61 1300 169 468. International call charges apply.

If you need help linking your myGov account, including linking codes, call the myGov online services support hotline.

There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 26 February 2025.
QC 55383