When claiming an ABSTUDY payment we calculate and pay the allowance as part of that claim. You don’t need to do a separate claim.
You can claim up to 13 weeks before you start your course or apprenticeship.
Steps to claim ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance as a tertiary student or Australian Apprentice
1. Get ready to claim
The easiest way to claim is online.
To claim online, you need a Centrelink online account linked to myGov. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to set them up.
You’ll need a Customer Reference Number (CRN) to link your Centrelink online account to myGov.
If you ever got a payment from us you’ll still have a CRN, CRNs don’t change.
If you don’t have a CRN, you’ll need to prove your identity online through myGov to get one.
If you can’t get a CRN online, you can call us on the ABSTUDY line.
2. Get your documents ready to claim
You’ll need to get some supporting documents ready to help answer some of the questions in the claim. We’ll need your bank account details and your course details.
3. Make your claim
You can claim the allowance:
- online
- on the phone by calling us on the ABSTUDY line and we’ll help you claim
- by printing and completing the Claim for ABSTUDY Allowances and Part time Award form.
If you can claim online
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, sign in now and select Apply for ABSTUDY to start your claim.
There’s help on each screen, including how to submit your supporting documents and other forms.
If you can’t claim online
To claim using a paper form, follow these steps:
- Check you’ve answered all questions.
- Sign and date the claim form.
- Attach any supporting documents.
- Submit your claim to us.
You can submit your claim form either:
- online by uploading your documents online
- by post to:
Student Services
Reply Paid 7804
Canberra BC ACT 26104. Track your claim
If you submit your claim online or over the phone, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
- your claim was submitted
- the ID number of your claim
- an estimated completion date
- a link to track its progress.
You can track the progress of your claim using either:
- your Centrelink online account through myGov
- the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
Outcome of your claim
We’ll let you know the result of your application. We’ll send a message to your myGov Inbox.
If you don’t get electronic letters, we’ll send you a letter in the mail.
If we need more details we’ll ask you for them.
If you think we’ve made a mistake you can ask us to review our decision.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Centrelink ABSTUDY line
Use this line if you get or are claiming ABSTUDY – help for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and apprentices.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.