Normally, education providers who arrange an away from base activity will organise a residential expenses package for you. The package should include all your meals and accommodation.
If you choose not to accept the residential expenses package we won’t pay you a daily allowance.
Sometimes the education provider can only arrange certain meals in the residential expenses package, for example lunch and dinner. In this case, we’ll pay a daily allowance to cover meals not included in your residential expenses package.
In some cases your education provider can’t arrange a residential expenses package for you. For example, if you’re going on a placement on your own. In this case, we’ll pay a set rate for each day you attend an away from base activity. We call this a daily allowance.
The rate will depend on the location of the activity and how long the activity goes for.
We’ll pay the full daily allowance if you attend an activity for less than 22 days in a row. If an activity is 22 days or more, we'll only pay 50% of the rate from day 22.
We won’t pay you a daily allowance if your activity is for more than 3 months in a row.
We won’t pay for any meals included in the room cost. For example, if the cost includes breakfast, we don’t pay for that meal.